9AM Practice Yoga Austin

VINYASA - Use this 75-minute format to tune into yourself at the start of your week with slow, steady movement, breath, and balance. We’ll focus on integrating the natural ebb and flow of your body with your day-to-day life. Expect to be challenged in a nurturing environment and to build heat at your own pace. 


9:30 Pure Yoga Texas

CLASSIC HOT YOGA* - This classic class of 26 yoga postures and 2 breathing exercises is designed to reset your body and reboot vitality. The 90 minute class is geared toward beginner yoga practitioners to teach endurance, structure, and mind-body connection.  *heated class


9:30 Pure Yoga Texas

YOGA FOR HIPS & SPINE* - During this 75 minutes session, we will ground, center, and expand focusing on movement from the hips and spine; the last 10-15 minutes will incorporate pranayama and meditation techniques to tune your nervous system and increase psychosomatic health. *warm class


1:15 Practice Yoga Austin

ALIGNMENT-BASED FLOW - This class will be taught at a moderate, yet steady pace and build toward a peak-pose experience with tools to encourage mindfulness, breath, and options for all levels of practitioner.


9AM Practice Yoga Austin

VINYASA - FriYAY! We’ll move vigorously in this class to shake off the week and move into the freedom of the weekend.  This class will offer more direct and specific cues for alignment and mobility and lots of opportunity to explore potential toward strength, curiosity, and play.  

Some Saturdays

12PM Pure Yoga Texas

ADVANCED 84* - This series of 84 postures has been passed down through the Gosh School of India lineage. Experience the depths of your physical and mental capacity as this class moves you through asana you didn’t know existed in yoga cannons! Come with an open mind and an attitude to be adventurous and playful. *heated class